Sunday, April 22, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Thought

Don't ya hate it when you are angry over something for a long time - like years - and ONE DAY you come to realize you have spent an awful long time being frustrated/pissed/perturbed over something that in the BIG scheme of things - really didn't matter!???? What a waste of time and energy!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A funny from Leigh

A friend of mine sent this this morning and it just cracked me up!

A precious little girl walks into a pet shop and asks, in the sweetest little lisp, between two missing teeth, "Excuthe me, mithter, do you keep widdle wabbits?" As the shopkeeper's heart melts, he gets down on his knees so that he's on her level and asks, "Do you want a widdle white wabbit, or a thoft and fuwwy bwack wabbit, or maybe one like that cute widdle bwown wabbit over there?" She, in turn, blushes, rocks on her heels, puts her hands on her knees, leans forward and says, in a tiny quiet voice, "I don't think my python weally gives a thit."

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I am Iron Man - who are you?

Inventor. Businessman. Genius.